Friday, 4 May 2012


The new PCC met on May 16th following a celebration of the 
Eucharist and co-opted Rebecca Herrick and Rob Richmond 
as members for the next year. It then elected Roger Mansfield 
as vice-chairman, Rob Richmond as treasurer, Mary Dicken
as secretary and Janet Martin as Electoral Roll officer. Thanks
were expressed to Sharon Compton for her eight years as treasurer
and she was presented with some flowers and a gift and given the 
best wishes of the council for her forthcoming charity event on 
Hadrian's Wall. A copy of the Electoral Roll as accepted at the
APCM is available on the table by the door. New committee 
membership will be decided very shortly and details will be on 
the notice board. The PCC meets again in July.
Mary Dicken - secretary to the PCC