Sunday, 29 April 2012

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

This was held on April 18 in church. Sally Bard and Roger Mansfield were re-elected as Churchwardens and Roberta Boatman as deputy churchwarden. Roberta Boatman, Janet Martin and Janet Marven were elected to serve on the PCC for three years. Sharon Compton was warmly thanked for her service as treasurer over the last eight years. Rob Richmond will take over from her shortly. Roger Boatman, Pauline Finbow, John Harvey, Suella Hunting, Barbara Hylton, Judith Lovell, Janet marven and Betty Thurston were appointed as sidesmen. Other reports were received. The papers from the meeting, including the accounts for 2011, are available on the table for anyone interested.
Mary Dicken - secretary to the PCC