Wednesday, 11 January 2012
The PCC, at its recent meeting, adopted the new Mission Action Plan and copies will soon be available. It also passed the Budget for 2012. We aim for a surplus of £243, a modest enough hope! Last year the PCC account had a surplus of £4880, largely due to the profits from the Summer fete. The plan is to purchase a data projector and stand and on an amplifier, leaving enough to establish a reserve fund and to provide more resources for outreach. The Ministry Share, our contribution towards the cost of ministry, namely Alan's stipend, will be £23,520 for 2012, so one of our prime tasks is to raise this amount. The PCC also expressed thanks to sidesmen who have recently stood down, John Darling, Angela Harradine, Frank Hazledene and Enid Lewis, after many years of service in this role. New volunteers for sidesmen are Roger Boatman, John Harvey and Betty Thurston, to whom we also send our thanks. Five names were added to the Electoral Roll; Daniel Hatton, Sally Hatton, Susan Levy, Robert Richmond and Jill Smith.