Wednesday, 25 January 2012


Come and join us!

5 February - Imaginative contemplation.

(12 February No Soul Spark)

19 February - Using art to pray.

Course will continue after Easter.


MOTHERING SUNDAY is on March 18th 
and the Mothers' Union is again promoting its
Make a Mother's Day campaign 
with ethical gifts 
which some members of the congregation 
have bought in previous years 
in memory of their mothers. 

Details are on the table by the door
or Enid Lewis can help.


THE JUMBLE SALE on January 14 
raised £400 for church funds 
with thanks to all who contributed in any way

The next sale will be on February 18th.

Thursday, 19 January 2012


We celebrated two baptisms last weekend; on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday at Open Door. 

Please remember these in your prayers.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


The PCC, at its recent meeting, adopted the new Mission Action Plan and copies will soon be available. It also passed the Budget for 2012. We aim for a surplus of £243, a modest enough hope! Last year the PCC account had a surplus of £4880, largely due to the profits from the Summer fete. The plan is to purchase a data projector and stand and on an amplifier, leaving enough to establish a reserve fund and to provide more resources for outreach. The Ministry Share, our contribution towards the cost of ministry, namely Alan's stipend, will be £23,520 for 2012, so one of our prime tasks is to raise this amount. The PCC also expressed thanks to sidesmen who have recently stood down, John Darling, Angela Harradine, Frank Hazledene and Enid Lewis, after many years of service in this role. New volunteers for sidesmen are Roger Boatman, John Harvey and Betty Thurston, to whom we also send our thanks. Five names were added to the Electoral Roll; Daniel Hatton, Sally Hatton, Susan Levy, Robert Richmond and Jill Smith.


The flower rota for 2012 is on the notice board in church,  Please add your name for whichever month you prefer to do.  If anyone would like to help with Altar flowers please have a word with me or contact me on 527537. We do need helpers and I am very happy to give help and support to anyone who would like to add their name to the rota. 

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


St Mary's Offerings New Years Day 2012

10.30 Eucharist          £   51.70
         Envelopes         £  229.00
                                   £  280.70

St Mary's Offerings 8/1/12

9.15 Eucharist       £  62.85
Envelopes             £ 172.00

                              £ 234.85

St Mary's Offerings 15/1/12

9.15 Eucharist      £  90.28
Envelopes            £ 108.00
            Open Door            £  26.86  (8/1/12)
                             £ 225.14

St Mary's Offerings 22/1/12

9.15 Eucharist        £  66.20
Envelopes              £  41.00
                Open Door             £  23.95  (15/1/12)
               Baptism                  £  47.00  (21/1/12)
                              £ 178.15

St Mary's Offerings 29/1/12

9.15 Eucharist        £ 109.07
Envelopes              £  207.00
Baptism                  £   50.95
                               £  367.02



Our offerings in January, February and March are for THE MISSION TO SEAFARERS, a Christian organisation which provides practical and spiritual help and support to over 1.2 million seafarers in 150 ports throughout the world. Piracy, shipwreck, abandonment, loneliness and separation from loved ones are just a few of the problems merchant seafarers face.

Please read Ruth's letter and Christmas greetings which are on the notice-board, and remember them in your prayers.


Millions of people in the Horn of Africa are facing famine. Many have already died. Please give generously to the appeal for help. There is a jar on the table by the door for your donations.


The first ‘SOUP AND SANDWICHES’ will be available on March 29th from 12.30p.m. to 1.30p.m. at the Church Hall. Open to all for a free lunch and time to talk


Church Cleaning/Housekeeping

A very big 'THANK YOU' to  Agnes and Anne who decided to put away their dusters for the last time in December, after ten years of faithful service.  Please look out for our new Cleaning/ Housekeeping Chart at the back of the church.  There are one or two spaces to be filled.  Please don't hesitate to add your name if this is a service you would like to offer.