Wednesday, 30 November 2011


St Mary's Offerings 27/11/11
Eucharist     £100:20
Envelopes    £  90:05
Open Door   £  23:80 (20/11/11)


The Jumble Sale on November 19 made a record £500 and thanks go to all the helpers and those who came. Jumble Sales in 2011 have raised £2810 in total, which is a big contribution to church funds of various kinds. The next sale will be on January 14th 2012.


After many years Sarah Jelliman wishes to stand down as Booking Secretary for the Hall - so we are on the lookout for a new volunteer.  We have a clear idea of what the job entails, and averaged out it amounts to about an hour a week.  The essential requirements are organisational skills and the use of a computer and answerphone.  A sense of humour helps too!  If you think this might be something you would consider taking on please have a word with Sue Hunting (834476).  The Hall Committee works well as a team but we really need an extra person for this essential role.  Please think about it!



St Mary's Sawston is hosting Carols for all the Family from 6pm on Saturday 10th December, with mince pies and mulled wine to follow. Between 9th and 11th December 2011, thousands of people will be joining with one voice to help raise money to ensure that Christian Aid partners are there for people living in poverty.
Please come and make it a memorable evening.


10.00a.m.– Come to St Mary’s on December10th and help to decorate the Christmas tree. Sing some Carols and have some coffee and refreshments. 

Church Diaries

CHURCH DIARIES have arrived at last after some problems at the printers. Please take diaries for yourself and for friends and please support the advertisers who make a free diary possible.



Our offerings in January - March will be for the MISSION TO SEAFARERS. In December we shall support SAVE THE CHILDREN through the Crib Service and Christmas Tree collection, and the CHILDREN'S SOCIETY by a collection at the Christingle Service.


Millions of people in the Horn of Africa are facing famine. Many have already died. Please give generously to the appeal for help. There is a jar on the table by the door for your donations. 

There is a Fair Trade Stall in church this morning (04.12.11) please support this worthwhile initiative for promoting a just market for farmers especially in developing nations.
our donations.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


St Mary's Offerings 13/11/11

Eucharist                        £  77.70

Envelopes                      £145.00

Open Door                      £    9.00 ( 6/11/11 )

Remembering Service    £112.37 ( 6/11/11 )



20 Nov, 27 Nov, 4 Dec Journeys Course in Church Hall

20 November – Christ the King -

20 November – Christ the King - the speaker for the Services today will be Capt Alan Lowe of the Church Army

26 November at 7.00 p.m. - Quiz Evening - see the posters in the village!

3 December – Christmas Fair

11 December Film on life of Martin Luther in Church


The Jumble Sale on October 15 raised £335. This means that Jumble Sales have now made £2000 this year for church funds and will be making contributions to the flower fund and to Mothers' Union Funds. Our thanks go to those who help in any way. The last sale of 2011 will be on November 19 at 2.00pm.


The Bookstall continues to generate a worthwhile income for Church Funds.  Please have a look and see if there's anything you fancy acquiring - and consider whether you have any books at home that you could donate.  Thank you. 



The closing date for the next issue of Communicate is Sunday, 13 November.  All contributions will be very welcome - please email Sue Hunting or hand hard copies to her or any other member of the Magazine Committee (Jose John, Mary Richmond. Petra Shakeshaft).  Let's make it a bumper edition - updates from all our church groups would be appreciated!


A seven-week Bible study course is about to begin! 

'The Uniqueness of our Faith' (published by CWR in the Cover to Cover series.) 

Please know that you would be very welcome to the introductory session was on Monday October 31st at 8pm at 15 Huddleston Way, please come along to the first study on November 7th to see if this is for you. We look forward to seeing you.
Please telephone 01223 501165 if you need a lift. 



Our collection in September, October and November are for CHURCH ARMY, sometimes referred to as "the Church of England's best-kept secret". Its officers work with the young, the elderly, the homeless the marginalised in society, taking the Gospel to where people are : "Love in Action".


Millions of people in the Horn of Africa are facing famine. Many have already died. Please give generously to the appeal for help. There is a jar on the table by the door for your donations


The latest newsletter from Ruth tells us that the Anglican Church in the Diocese of the Amazon is celebrating its 100th anniversary. She asks for our prayers for the wellbeing of vulnerable communities and children in the Amazon River who struggle to make ends meet, and for protection for peaceful activists who are seeking an end to the destruction of the rainforest

SHOE-BOXES - a Reminder

 Please bring your filled shoe-boxes to church no later than SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20th.

Journeys course at 7:30pm up at the Church Hall for 4 weeks until the 4th Dec, then there will be a film show on the 11th Dec in church on the life of Martin Luther;