Thursday, 22 September 2011


St. Mary's - Offerings  18th September

Eucharist       £119.00

Envelopes      £117.00

Gift Day         £   30.00

                      £ 266.00

Election of a Churchwarden

At the meeting last Sunday for the Election of a Churchwarden, Sally Bard was elected and will serve as churchwarden until the APCM in 2012.

Jumble Sale

The Jumble Sale on September 18 raised a very magnificent £475 with many thanks to everyone who contributed. The next sale is on October 15.


Thank you to everyone who attended the coffee evening on 8 September in support of the Children’s Society. Special thanks to Betty Thurston – and to John as the technical support – for the thoroughly enjoyable talk on their recent trip to Texas to see Kathy in her new home. We raised £95.00 in total from donations and the raffle - £75.00 on the evening and £20.00 from an individual donation. Many thanks again. Janet Martin